Written by K.A. Witt
Overall Rating: 5/5
Plot: 5
Characters: 5
Writing: 4.5
Static is set in a near future alternative universe in which shapeshifters exist. The twist on the theme is that shapeshifters switch between male and female gender-forms rather than between human and non-human forms. In this universe, a shifter named Alex is forced to receive an implant that locks him into his male form. This happens to come as a surprise to his boyfriend, Damon, who has only ever known Alex as a woman. The story follows the emotional upheaval this causes in their lives and relationship as Alex tries to decide what course to follow, medically and legally while Damon struggles with his feelings for female-Alex and what it means to be in love with a whole person, regardless of gender.
I want to write an objective, non-biased review of this book. I really do. But the material is so close to my heart that I just can't.
I love this book. I want everyone I know to read this book. I want to live inside this book. I want to see this book in the catalog of every LGBT-friendly library in America. Preferably multiple copies.
The book progresses excellently between both points of view, telling one chapter from Alex's first-person perspective and the next from Damon's. It includes other shifter characters, static trans characters, static gay folks, static straight folks. It's a world that still doesn't fully accept gay and trans people, but it's even more uncomfortable with shifters. The world isn't perfect and I appreciate the reality of that world, where characters have their own unique struggles in addition to the more mundane struggles we would experience here.
All the characters, even the minor ones, are fleshed out and give a vivid life that makes you want to follow them into their own stories. The plot moves quickly without rushing and I felt a familiar bubble of tension and joy throughout the story as it moved towards its ultimate ending. I've read better, tighter writing, but not much of it and the story overcame any fault I could possibly imagine finding with the writing.
I want to write fanfiction in this world. I love Static and I hope you'll read it and love it, too.
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